22 Photos Of Crazy Tombstones
Daniel Bonfiglio
How do you want to be remembered? Unfortunately, after a little while the biggest impression you can make on anyone other than your bloodline will come from your tombstone. What do you want it to say?
A joke of course! What's the point of life without laughter? (As a dead person, you know that.)
Here are 22 photos of people who turned into comedians from in the grave.
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1. This Stinks
Yeah, it does. -
2. You're Standing On Them!
Sorry! -
3. Well Then
That took an unexpected turn. -
4. To Our Mother
Well that's one kind of obituary. -
5. Lawyer
At least she had a job. -
6. The Original Tombstone
Did it work? -
7. King Size
This could mean one of two things. One good, one bad. -
8. Ocean Front
Wouldn't we all, but that's not in the budget sometimes. -
9. Nice Shape
With a name like that... -
10. Jokester
Listen to this prankster from the 1700s. -
11. Corn Hole Anyone?
I could toss a few bags here. -
12. Waldo
There he is! -
13. Banter
Taking it to the grave. -
14. Too Late
Sounds like someone should have listened. -
15. On Us
For free! -
16. I Was Sick
Obviously. -
17. R.I.P.
Internet Explorer, may it rest... in... ... ... loading... pea... ce. -
18. Just So You All Know...
He hated you guys. -
19. Leslie Nielsen's Gravestone
Bearing his epitaph, a final reference to his favorite practical joke, a toot machine. -
20. A Peaceful Man
Or something like that. -
21. Sale!
Come die while it's cheap! -
22. Stupid
Dumb's your uncle.
This Stinks
Yeah, it does.
Yeah, it does.